So far, Starfield is an awesome game, but now I have an urge to pick up my character on no man sky, and I’m having trouble putting that game down right now.

Anyone else experienced this for example urge to play another space game?

    22 years ago

    Would you recommend NMS to someone who:

    1. Really wants to play Starfield but probably won’t have the necessary hardware for at least a year.

    2. Is an old Bethsoft fan, having played, and thoroughly enjoyed, every TES game from Daggerfall to Online, excepting only Battlespire and the phone games.

    3. Has been jonesing for some space sandbox for probably a decade at least.

      42 years ago

      I’m not sure. It’s a good game, but the fun you can have in it is more Minecraft style than Bethesda style. If you want that, then it’s probably worth a try