To be fair I still do these things but only when I’m alone.

Personally I love finding big puddles and then dig drains with a stick or my heel and watch the water flow.

Also love to throw a piece of wood into water and then toss stones high up in the air and try hit it imagining it’s a warship I’m trying to bomb.

Then also without going into details there are some pieces of clothing I would like to wear but don’t because they’re considered femine or gay.

  • NumbersCanBeFun
    2 years ago

    Not about being judged but I was planning on starting my YouTube channel last September. I got hit by a pickup truck on my way to work riding my bike and I haven’t made a video since. In fact I took down all my planned videos and deleted them. I regret that but I wasn’t at all prepared to make and manage a channel when i couldn’t even manage my own bathroom breaks by myself. I was embarrassed and shamed and didn’t think I was capable of making videos anymore.

    I’m ready to start again though. I’ve already started by doing some YouTube shorts just to get people a little interested and see what type of content they like engaging with. So far my “practicing piano” shorts are the most popular which was surprising because I’m not great at playing 😅