Last night, at approximately 2AM ET, a former employee, Madison Reeve, posted a thread on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, accusing Linus Media Group of cultivating a toxic work environment and encouraging a work culture that was detrimental to her health as well as sexual harassment directed at her by Linus Media Group employees.
“I chose to quit my role at LTT because it, and the working environment I was facing, were ruining my mental health,” her statement begins. “My work was called ‘dogshit’ I was called ‘incompetent’. When I would reach out to managers and try to get help with these situations, I would be told to ‘put on my big girl pants’ and be ‘more assertive’.”
Reeve went on to accuse the company of barring her from videos after she reported being “grabbed multiple times in the office” and being told to “calm my tits” and “stop being such a bitch.”
Madisons’ thread:
(Content warning: self harm)
I really don’t understand how people have gone this long without realising that Linus and the company lost any morals they had (if any) a long time ago for the sake of profit. In my opinion Linus is just another greedy capitalist who treats his employees like shit and only cares about profit.
I would’ve expected more people to have at least noticed that the videos are pretty low-quality in terms of actual substance when you look past the professional coat of paint, and it’s been that way for a loooong time.
Because most people, like myself, probably just watch a few of the entertaining videos and leave it at that.
How is that hard to understand?
Not that i will ever watch any LMG media again.
Half joking half not but we all have attention gobbled up by our own matters and mobile phone games to care about what’s happening at LMG.
50% of the entire world has lower than average intelligence. If just 1% of those idiots gravitate towards a single person, that’s 40m people.
I think 90% of his following is in the age range of 12-16. Which might also explain how he made a screwdriver into a “thing.”
that’s the median which doesn’t always equate the average.
I think it is in the similar way where we and the people idolize politicians. We don’t see it until it is way too late.
I have watched may be 2 of his videos before this, despite youtube recommending them all the time. Somehow, those videos that I did see didn’t give me the impression that they were genuine or decent. How do I know that? I don’t know - it’s like a feeling. I have seen other youtubers with less followers, whose videos exude hard work and passion. They are enough to get you hooked on subjects you weren’t even interested in the first place. When did people lose the ability to feel the character of the people they see?
It has become harder and harder to find good yters or people in general, due to how algorithm of social media and search engines are being used to push for views and profit.