For anyone who has tried switching over, what’s your experience with them been like? Were there any hidden upsides or downsides you weren’t expecting? What about coverage? It’s really hard to ignore them when they keep spamming ads to YouTube, my favorite podcasts, etc.

    42 years ago

    Thirding US Mobile. I pay so little each month and the one issue I had, they fixed it, refunded me, and have me a 6 month discount. Top notch experience so far.

    • DH Clapp
      32 years ago

      Third rec here for US Mobile. I actually switched from Mint after a couple of years with them (and Google Fi before that). Three of my family members are on the Verizon network through US Mobile, and one is on the T-Mobile network. Nice to have the split when we’re traveling because one of the two networks always has coverage.