From Steam’s self-published stats.

Baldur’s Gate 3 could not be preloaded and weighed in at 125 gigabytes on disk, so when the game left Early Access at 11am US Eastern yesterday, Steam’s bandwidth utilization shot up 8x over a span of 30 minutes. I know personally, I saw my download hit over 600 Mbps across a 1 Gbps fiber connection.

Kudos to the system engineers at Valve. It is mind-boggling that they have built infrastructure that robust.

    372 years ago

    I’m pleasantly surprised how many people are playing this game. I figured that DnD although popular, was still kinda a niche. Yet this is topping Steam charts which is great to see. Hopefully it means more of this quality to come, there is obviously a big market for it.

    I can’t wait to get home and get stuck in!

      212 years ago

      You take a game series that has a reputation for being great (but not that many have actually played it). Then you add the D:OS fans to it. Give people four year to “pre-order”. Have the DnD movie be a success a few months before (if we don’t look at the Hollywood accounting). Then have the game release first in a 3 month chain of big game releases, right after a summer of game drought. And not be a buggy mess despite its complexity. By a developer studio who have wanted the DnD game license for a long time and very much want it to be their best.

      Of course theres gonna be a lot of players then. But I don’t think it will be easy to repeat in the future.

        32 years ago

        Yeah all very good points there. They stars have aligned well for them here, and they deserve all the success.

      82 years ago

      With how popular the Divinity Original Sin series is I would be surprised if the game wasn’t as popular as it is. Larian knows how to make a fucking great crpg.

        32 years ago

        I still think it’s impressive and unexpected though. Divinity never broke 100k players even which I assume is the second highest cRPG player count.

        For a game to go over 5x bigger on Steam than any other game of its genre? Thats impressive.