EDIT: I’m picking up on some big time virgin energy from all the people in this thread who think girlsmell is a fetish. Girls smell. If you didn’t know that, it’s clear the only women you’ve ever been with were 2D.
PS: If you prefer boysmell that is also very valid, and if you don’t like stinky partners at all I want you to know I stand with the ace community and I’m only meaning to make fun of allos.
This meme just threatened to undo the last 3 years of daily driving linux, by making me consider going back to windows
Why? So you can experience win10 for a few months?
lol, 25+ years for me. Fortunately it looks like I just have to avoid certain distros. Hopefully mental-illness will go out of vogue soon, so we can move past all this garbage and get back to computing.
Sounds like weakness to me comrade.
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
I think I’m hopping to TempleOS. It’s going to take more than Windows to save me from this.
I might be there with you. Going to try avoiding the distros that attract the mental-illness crowd first. Maybe I have to go back to Slackware.
Well, TempleOS was made by a guy with schizophrenia so it won’t help in that regard.
I’m sure the OS doesn’t have schizophrenia.