Hey, does anyone know and/or use an OSS grocery list?

That’s something I wasn’t able to digitalize, but I want to…

I’m looking for a grocery list server (hostable via Docker) that I can access from my smartphone or Desktop, but haven’t found a good solution yet.

I know, there are Markdown note taking apps like Joplin and I’m using them as a private “knowledge base”, but I wasn’t convinced of them as grocery lists. I imagine, there could be some optimizations like templates for stuff you buy every time or auto-completions (e.g. if you type “papr” and there was “paprica” in your list history, it could auto-complete or at least suggest the word…).

How are you doing it? Already digitalized or still on paper? If digitalized, via some subscription service behind it or self-hosted?

  • @buedi@feddit.org
    27 days ago

    Back on my PC and a few more words about https://davideshay.github.io/groceries/ (Specifically Clementines).

    Why do we use it and why do we think it is the best?

    • You have list groups under which you have your stores that fit to your list groups (like food, gardening…). Items you create belong to a list group and can be shown in various lists (shops) under this group. Did not get your favourite Cheese in Shop A? Item will stay on the list for Shop B. Found it in Shop A already? The item is gone on the list for Shop B.
    • For each list, you can create aisles and sort them like they are in that particular shop. This makes it possible to run through the shop in one line and get everything I need in the quickest time possible. No distractions or backtracking.
    • It has real-time sync. We both go shopping in 2 shops for the same lists? Items get ticked off in real-time. Partner puts something on the list? I see it immediately.
    • It has offline functionality. No cell reception in the shop? You shop offline. Cell reception back? It syncs automatically.
    • It has a native Android app and a responsive Web UI, whatever fits to you. And both support offline usage.
    • You can add pictures to items. Partner wants THAT particular cheese and then you stand in front of the 1km long cheese shelf and have no idea how that thing looks? Just add a picture to an item, problem fixed.
    • You ticked off an item by accident from the list and you have no idea what it was? Ticked off items stay on the list ticked off and you can bring them easily back. You are done with shopping? You can then fully clear the list of all ticked off items if you want to clean it up.

    The only downside is: It is a bit difficult to set up, but this is true for all services that use CouchDB as a database I ever set up. But it is worth it. This solution is super stable and the live sync was super usefull so many times.

    We use it for more than just shopping now. It also works great for a packing list when you go on vacation for example or basically everything else you need to “tick off a list”.

    • Spykee
      17 days ago

      Ae brah! Thanks fo getting back after you got to your PC yo! Most people jus don keep de own word & leave us hangin for da real intel. Supa cash money of you!

      • @buedi@feddit.org
        26 days ago

        Yarr matey! Us fossers and selfhosters gotta stay togetharrr :-) (Thanks for your replay, made my day, Haha!) :-)