Came across a list of pseudosciences and was fun seeing where im woo woo.

Lunar effect – the belief that the full Moon influences human and animal behavior.

Ley Lines



Body Memory

Faith healing

Anyway, list too long to read. I guess Im quite the nonscientific woowoomancer. How about you? What pseudoscience do you believe? Also I believe nearly every stone i find was an ancient indian stone. Also manifesting and or prayer to manipulate via subconscious aligning the future. oh and the ability to subconsciously deeply understand animals, know the future, etc

    116 days ago

    must be traversed in one direction

    See that’s the part I’m not so sure of. At least for all information transfer. Matter is likely too weighty to go against the current.

    But time “feels” like a plane where traversal is just beyond my fingertips.

    Or I’m just in the really early phases of dementia.

    • Random Dent
      115 days ago

      I think it’s like… in terms of time we’re kind of ‘2D’. Like if you picture a dot on a sheet of paper, it can only move around the directions on that flat plane. That’s time and velocity for us. if you go further up the X axis, you go less far along the Y axis, which is why time slows down the faster you go.

      If you were somehow ‘3D’ in time, it’s be like if you lifted the pen off the paper, you could hop around all over the place or maybe even to a different sheet of paper entirely.