I’m the human of a cat named Piccolo, because when he was a kitten, he meowed like a little flute.

  • @maniclucky@lemmy.world
    22 days ago

    I’ve got two for a pair of cats we adopted at the same time.

    First was Stusy (pronounced stu-c). He was named after a typo. My partner and I were planning a move and I accidentally misspelled study. We looked at it and decided it was a good cat name, which it was. He was the smartest cat we ever had. He died a couple years ago too young from what the vet said was likely genetic kidney problems.

    His brother, our scaredy cat, is Big O. At the cattery (our name for the local cat adoption place), he was the one that wanted nothing to do with us and so we clearly had to adopt him. Every time we pet him he vigorously cleaned that spot. I don’t remember what we were going to name him. The cattery named him Big O after the tire place where he was found. He was driven from one small town in Indiana to another, about 50 miles, before he was found in the engine compartment of someone’s car who stopped at Big O to check the meowing from the engine. He was Stusy’s best friend and while he’s still easy to startle, he lets us pet him in controlled conditions (usually us lying down and holding very still) and is the goofiest of his siblings when they’re playing.