Mormons believe that a biblical angel revealed prophecies indirectly to Joseph Smith, who wrote it down in the book of Mormon.

Muslims believe that the biblical angel Gabriel revealed prophecies to Muhammad, who wrote it down in the Quran.

  • Smith stole from any source he could find. Most of the Mormon temple rituals are based on Masonic Temple rituals from around the same time period. John Smith was a member of a Masonic Lodge and assumed no one would notice or tell their new congregation that they used to do the same thing with their drinking buddies back East.

      101 month ago

      Not to defend Joseph Smith, but so did the entire Christian religion. All the big stories in the Bible were lifted from the religious myths of older civilizations.

        1 month ago

        Yes, 2000 years ago Christian writers borrowed heavily from the other religions and mystery cults they were living and working with.

        Smith’s copypasta use of Masonic Rituals from New York as “passed down by God” in the 1830s is a -little- different.