You cannot resurrect yourself

50 meters in radius, in any direction inclusing above or below. It has to happen within 5 minutes of their brain dying. If resurrected, all injuries that they got when they died is reversed.

Billionaire as measured in US Dollars at the moment you use the ability

100 years added their lifespan does noy make them immune to homicide or accidenys.

You can use this unlimited amount of times.

If no billionaire exists at the tine you try to use this power, then you cannot use the power.

Edit: Lol not sure why people downvoted. I guess everyone just hate moral philosophers… 🤣

    161 month ago

    Billionaires do not have any special talents, perhaps beyond a coldness of spirit and lack of empathy so that their population is determined by the current holding capacity of the socio-economic and political world they find themselves in. What I mean to say by this is if you cause a particular billionaire to live an additional hundred years the result is not an increase in the net number of billionaires but rather their revised individual longevity simply limits other sociopaths from assuming billionaire status. Now you likely do not personally know any billionaires so whether they are constantly reshuffled by a natural lifespan or its the same set of long lived fuckers actually makes no odds to you. You do however very likely know people within a fifty meter radius of you, family and friends. Your life will be greatly enriched by the resurrection of such people and for the reasons I have stated not overly harmed by Nosferatuing a few mega-rich.