• @LandedGentry@lemmy.zip
    1 month ago

    Yes it runs Linux mint. Have to hardline for internet and no touch bar but minor nuisance and one thing I never really used anyway. Thanks for the well wishes, I guess.

    There is no alternative. That is why I use it. That has been the entire thrust of this conversation. Gimp is the only option and it is not adequate as it is so far behind. This is not complicated dude. You know what I’m saying you are just angry about it.

      • @LandedGentry@lemmy.zip
        1 month ago

        Is this a serious question?

        Your home may not be adequate but you can live in it. Your bike may not be adequate but it can still be ridden. I never said it was nonfunctional or something. In fact I multiple times said it’s a complete and stable piece of software. So stop deliberately misinterpreting me.

        Let me put in another way: gimp is a PS3, Photoshop is a PS5. Both play games. Are they both adequate? No, not if you want to play anything made in the last 10 years

        The PS3 is a functional, stable console. Would you tell someone to buy it as their main console in 2025 if they want to get back into gaming? I imagine the vast majority of the time the answer is no.