Obviously no? They were called out and fixed their shitty moderation. I haven’t seen anything remotely close to any transphobia granted I’m barely ever on discord but I would like people to link actual source to that rather than a 3 year old 1 mod behaviour as “community is transphobic” comments.
It doesn’t help foss, it’s just self biting ourselves over non issues while the general population continue to support corporations over foss. Not saying you should not call people out, just saying call Varxy out.
You also said “has been”. Can you show any other instance of the “community” other than that one mod and maybe something recent?
the part where the community has been actively hostile to trans folks doesn’t make 'em transphobic?
You gonna provide a source? It’s been a couple days now.
Google it. I’m not the entertainment
I googled this for you. You are not entertaining, I agree. Just another bandwagoner. More reading and less typing next time 👍.
Community? It was 1 mod 3 years ago that was already removed. Wdym “actively”?
So we’re just gonna let it go then?
Obviously no? They were called out and fixed their shitty moderation. I haven’t seen anything remotely close to any transphobia granted I’m barely ever on discord but I would like people to link actual source to that rather than a 3 year old 1 mod behaviour as “community is transphobic” comments.
It doesn’t help foss, it’s just self biting ourselves over non issues while the general population continue to support corporations over foss. Not saying you should not call people out, just saying call Varxy out.
You also said “has been”. Can you show any other instance of the “community” other than that one mod and maybe something recent?