So, I have a joke or you: “Why do elephants like to bowl?”

. . .

I don’t f*ing know either. This was a joke on a Laffy Taffy wrapper that I read as a kid, but the answer was cut off. And I know you are like “Oh, have you tried Googling it, Sonnie?” YES, yes I have. I even emailed the company at one point in college to see if I could find the answer. Nothing.

I look at this as kind of like The Ring. You have seven days to spread this or some scary kid is going to climb out of your TV or something.

    132 months ago

    Hmm, just spitballing here, but what could you point to on an elephant that’s unique (and/or in the public thoughts of elephants)? Memory, size, trunks, large ears, grey skin, tusks, fear of mice, (name of them?) pachyderm?

    For memory - Because they’re the only animal that can remember how to score a strike?

    Trunks - Because their trunks have room to spare?

    Size - Because even the lions aren’t willing to tell them they crossed the line.

    Mice thing - Because they always beat the mice’s half ounce balls.

    Or maybe it’s something to do with bowling? Turkeys, lanes, (heavy/big balls), spares, lines, shoes…

    Shoes - Because they can finally borrow shoes that fit?

    Turkeys - Even elephants love getting turkeys?

    Spares - I dunno