Credit to Chris Williamson for coming up with this though. I just found it worth sharing.

  • Leraje
    82 months ago

    We have a deluge of data - we have very little information.

      72 months ago

      Words are made up and we actively change and redefine them when we use them based on context.

      I get the sense that you were trying to correct the OP, but really OP is just defining “information” the way you’re defining “data”

      The concept being conveyed is the same.

      We had very little of it, and had to put in a ton if effort to seek it out, but now it’s thrown in our faces nearly all the time with the litteral flick of a finger. Neither of these situations seem optimal, but whatever the optimal situation is, we must have experienced it at some point because the transition didnt happen instantaneously

      • GladiusB
        12 months ago

        I think the way it’s used has drastically changed. When someone had a lot of information on hand you would go to the “smart guy/girl” and things would be assessed on a somewhat scientific level. That is unless you are picking the smartest person in the trailer park. But I digress.

        Now everyone “thinks” they are smart because they have the information. It’s how that smart person filtered through the information and interpreted the information that made them smart.