Hi all, looking for some guidance on getting wired networking upstairs to my pcs.

Currently I have my internet connection coming in downstairs. Without running cables upstairs is it possible to connect something to my existing wifi network and then break it out to to ethernet?

Any help much appreciated.

  • BlackRing
    12 months ago

    I have an Asus router in my basement, which is mesh capable. The best way to do that is to get another identical router as a node, which I’ve done. I have not tried doing this, but being a router it has ethernet ports. I would think they would do what you’re hoping.

    • Possibly linux
      02 months ago

      What? It is true some all in one home network devices have network ports. I wouldn’t use them as a switch though since often they use the CPU for switching at a hardware level.

      I would look into OpenWRT based mesh networks since that sounds like what you want.