Something about those awkward hand gestures really gets me going.

  • ObjectivityIncarnate
    2 months ago

    The type of ‘anger management’ described in the OP is unhealthy and doesn’t even help you feel better, short or long term. ‘Blowing off steam’/venting literally does the opposite of what most people believe it does.

    Edit: Looks like some people don’t like being called out for their unproductive behavior, lol. I answered the question.

    It’s getting harder and harder each day to tell this place apart from Reddit, lol.

    • Elevator7009
      2 months ago

      I don’t think they are trying to decrease/cool down their anger. I think they are trying to engage in it.

      I’ll be honest, as long as people are not acting awful towards their fellow human beings (like taking out anger on a person who has nothing to do with it, punching someone over cutting in line at the bank) I do not particularly mind if people are increasing their anger and aggression instead of decreasing it. Jogging it out and getting angrier is still far better than punching it out at a person, especially since you probably still reap the health benefit of jogging.

      Thanks for the link though, fun read! I guess we should go to bed angry ;) Clicking one of the links in the article you linked was pretty interesting…

      One man in the rumination group became so angry while hitting the punching bag that he also punched a hole in the laboratory wall.

      My concerned side worries for that guy and the budgets of the people doing the research but most of me says “that’s just funny”.