Do you think it is likely that we will start to see Large Language Models integrated in to major video games? If so, are there some examples within gaming already?

      162 months ago

      Even with the annoying YouTuber trying to make silly content out of it I’d say it actually kept into the roleplay pretty well

      52 months ago

      That is…actually far better than I thought it would be. It’s clearly not ready yet, but I could see the potential.

      The AI model is too happy to serve the whims of the player, but if there was a better model that could actually be hooked in to me hanics like personality scores or reputation, I could see that as an interesting gameplay system. It also needs more checks on what they are and aren’t supposed to know (e.g. why would a Skyrim NPC associate the name Batman with heroism, or why would they know who Gandalf is?).

      A (digital) setup like Westworld is probably in the cards someday. Hopefully with more checks in place to keep the AI from rising up though!