I guess due to luck with circumstances, this is often an issue for me. I wonder how normal it is. I was joking about this today with someone and comparing it to the scene from The Simpsons where Mr. Burns wakes up from being shot and randomly starts yelling Homer’s name when asked who shot him. Thirty minutes later someone tried to confront me because I seemed like the most likely candidate for who stole their mail.

  • @DicJacobus@lemmy.world
    22 months ago

    for the first year of my current job, I worked in a different department. (Service advisor at a car dealership, also, I hated it)

    we had a mechanic who was ready to not be a mechanic anymore, and move on to something else (ill come back to that later) and we had a senior service advisor who was a crotchety lecherous old man who needed to fucking retire.

    they worked with each other for so long that they had become like an old couple, getting into screaming matches at work, Usualyl it involved the old guy giving a job to the mechanic that the mechanic didnt want to do (he’d throw hissy fits over being given certain types of vehicles),

    they had a full on screaming match in the garage where my computer was, I walked in to witness it. I walked away because I hated dealing with either of those people when they were having a manchild meltdown. they saw that I saw them, but didnt say anything.

    The next day they’re talking to each other about someone having ratted on them for their fight. and were giving me the murder eyes…

    one of the bosses, witnessed the fight on camera with audio… I never said shit. I explained it afterward, to the mechanic and the old guy, the mechanic understood, the old guy didnt want to hear it.

    that was 3 years ago, the old guy is gone now, and both the mechanic, and myself, work in the sales department, and the relationship is completely 180’d to the point that we can laugh about those days now.