I had a drum that was stored on a huge wardrobe and was pretty unstable. One day, as i opened the wardrobe, the drum fell on my head. I laugh about it today because fortunately, the wound was not as severe as i though at first.

  • Daeraxa
    202 months ago

    Was putting together a flat pack wardrobe with my sister and mother. Mother just had to stand and support it whilst my sister did up some screws (at this point it was just a rectangle with no internal support so gravity wants to turn it into a rhombus). She starts getting bored and checks her phone leading to it tilting and the top section falls out and brains my sister on the head. After some choice words we put it back together and then she manages to do the exact same thing the second time, right on top of the bump made by the first incident. It was like a laurel and hardy sketch. My sister was very much not amused.