Some ideas are:

  • You branch off into another timeline and your actions make no difference to the previous timeline
  • You’ve already taken said actions but just didn’t know about it so nothing changes
  • Actions taken can have an effect (so you could suddenly erase yourself if you killed your parents)
  • Only “nexus” or fixed events really matter, the timeline will sort itself out for minor changes
  • something else entirely
        2 months ago

        Except you didn’t make a connection. Go ahead and quote where you made the connection, and explain it. There is no practical character limit on these posts, you can link outside sources and supplemental material here. How about you put your money where your mouth is and actually back up what you are saying?

        Here, I’ll throw the gauntlet hard, right now. You make that post, quoting the context, explaining what I missed, and I’ll go back and edit every one of my posts in this thread admitting that I lost and this whole conversation was unproductive and I was being an idiot asshole. You don’t even have to wager anything in return, because you won’t do it, because you can’t do it, and when you don’t even try to do it in your next comment, it will be a bold-faced admission that you are wrong, you know you are wrong, and you’re just being difficult for the sake of being difficult.