Since the election I’ve kinda buried my head in the sand to try and stay sane, so I’m not sure what projections are looking like for the real estate market. Unfortunately I need to move pretty ASAP and I’m having the worst luck with rentals.

So, anyone have any advice or an idea of the outlook in the next few months?

  • edric
    313 months ago

    There’s a saying that goes along the lines of: “The best time to buy a house was 10 years ago. The second best time is now”. Rates are bad but you can refinance down the road. I was also on the fence because I wasn’t 100% sure yet if we’ll still be in our city in 5 years, but our lease was ending and I was getting tired of moving with ever increasing rent. Back in my home country, you typically buy a house and live there forever, so it was also a culture shock for me to learn that the average homebuyer in the US lives in their house for only 7 years before moving on. So I had to change my mindset, and we bought a house earlier this year.