TL;DR: It’s a co-op roguelike. Drop in, explore the map, survive 3 days and beat a unique boss.

Once you buy it you get access to the complete package, and there are no battle passes or microtransactions to contend with. It can also be played in singleplayer should you wish to stay offline, with enemy health pools that scale down so that it’s not too overwhelming for solo players (although curiously, there are currently no plans to allow players to play in pairs).

    13 months ago

    That wasn’t my experience with fallen order at all lol. I could mostly rush into any group of enemies because enemy attacks were predictable and very easy to dodge. The iframes felt more like the combo beat em up games and enemies generally attacked in turns unless they were all shooting then all you had to do then was hold the block button. On second thought I’d say it was maybe closer to kingdomhearts combat