It appears that in every thread about this event there is someone calling everyone else in the thread sick and twisted for not proclaiming that all lives are sacred and being for the death of one individual.

It really is a real life trolley problem because those individuals are not seeing the deaths caused by the insurance industry and not realizing that sitting back and doing nothing (i.e. not pulling the lever on the train track switch) doesn’t save lives…people are going to continue to die if nothing is done.

Taking a moral high ground and stating that all lives matter is still going to costs lives and instead of it being a few CEOs it will be thousands.

    214 months ago

    [off topic]

    Back in the day, I heard a lecture on the tactics of terrorist groups.

    The IRA was particularly effective in assassinations. People thought they had an vast army of trained killers on hand.

    Actually, the number of shooters was small, maybe fifty in all.

    What made them so dangerous was that they had a powerful ‘rear echelon.’

    When the shooter arrived in town, he’d have three or four drivers waiting for him, a choice of safe houses, and more than one doctor to go to if he were to be injured.

    • kingthrillgore
      94 months ago

      What ultimately made the IRA win and get the Good Friday agreement was they targeted (ironically) high insurance properties. Take away human lives? Meaningless. Take away the money? You get a response.

        • sunzu2
          34 months ago

          It doesn’t force UK regime to act until mega corpos got hurt and force the regime to act tho

          I still agree that message sent here is valuable but hurting their profit is where the W is at