Nothing more disappointing to me than seeing a game I might enjoy… and then it’s only available on PC on Epic Games store. Why can’t it be available on Epic, Xbox game store and Steam? It’s so annoying, like you have no choice but to use Epic… which I would literally do ANYTHING not to use.

    -74 months ago

    I understand that they are pro-developers, like, they only tale 15% of the sales etc. But why are they anti-consumers?

    I use Heroic Games Launcher on Nobara Linux and my experience is more seamless than buying and installing games from Steam. I don’t have to bother with Epic Games Launcher, I just download a game and run via proton or wine.

      124 months ago

      The fact that you can’t use the Epic games launcher on Linux should be telling you what you need to know.

      How is their 12 foot interface these days?

      How is their position on running things via wine? Tim the bellend has generally been telling Linux users to use wine, but at the same time been generally hostile to it.

          4 months ago

          Yep. Fucking hypocrite tells people to use something he is hostile towards.

          Fuck Epic, they are destroying PC gaming which means they are not developer friendly.

          They are actively trying to shrink the market that developers can target.

            4 months ago

            “Fucking hypocrite” and “Epic Games”. Never have any other set of 4 words fit together so perfectly.

      114 months ago

      I gave what I see as a significant example in my original comment. Not being able to see comments or reviews from those who have purchased games through the storefront is a problem for me. If a game has a bug or problem, especially if it is one that could potentially be tied to or unique to the EGS version, I would like to know about it. That EGS currently doesn’t provide readily available user feedback when it frankly has been the standard as defined by steam, just doesn’t for me.

      So you have to ask yourself why they wouldn’t include such a simple a rudimentary feature - the only result I can come up with is to appease developers who want to prevent being negatively impacted by bad reviews. Thus what we have is prioritizing the wants of developers at the expense of features which benefit consumers.