Rules: just pick 1 and explain why.

I’ve been playing since the NES and despite being from a low income family I had the luck of being able to play and own many consoles over the 3 decades of my life, plus some pc.

If you ask me right now? Resident Evil 4 (2005).

A before and after in gaming, to this day still extremely fun to play even for casuals but 20 years ago it was THE masterpiece. And everyone took notice of it, everyone played it, even players that didn’t cared about resident evil. The gameplay was so good that it got photocopied by everyone right after in the action genre.

Arguably the last big innovator in videogames minus Minecraft and… PUBG (Fortnite did it better I know).

Try to NOT pick your favourite game, that’s a different thing.

  • Lvxferre [he/him]
    344 months ago

    It got to be Goat Simulator for sure:

    • Top notch graphics.
    • Full of features, even some not intended by the developers.
    • You can hurt and get hurt, so it’s BDSM-friendly.
    • Open sandbox.
    • It’s more recognisable than Tetris. Tetris is easy to confuse with some Tetris knock-off, Goat Simulator is instantly “yup, this is Goat Simulator”.
    • It’s deeper in lore and philosophy than Chrono Trigger.
    • Zelda’s worldbuilding pales in comparison with Goat Simulator’s.
    • Requires more strategy than Diablo and FFA combined.
    • You play it as a goat dammit. Everything else is just fluff.

    This is a joke answer. Don’t take it seriously.