• kbal
    274 months ago

    The .tar.xz format decompresses more than twice as fast as .tar.bz2, allowing you to get up and running in no time

    $ time tar xjf firefox-134.0b3.tar.bz2 
    real    0m9.045s
    user    0m8.839s
    sys     0m0.450s
    $ time tar xJf firefox-135.0a1.en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.xz                                                
    real    0m4.903s
    user    0m4.677s
    sys     0m0.510s

    Nice! Presumably it’d be twice as fast if disk was infinitely fast or something. Unfortunately by testing this I’ve already used up a hundred times more time than I’ll ever save as a result of it.