Conveniences, automation, safety plans, etc. Everyone loves winging it and having piles of chores, but then they complain about life being hard, but then they don’t change anything

  • Like the wind...OP
    -154 months ago

    Imagine just not having a vehicle lol imagine spending less than $1000 once and being able to get around oh right that’s horrible we should buy huge metal boxes that require government licenses that cost so much, and fuel that costs oh so much, and complain about not having money. Right, that bitch on a bike is the reason why you have no money, not the fact you spend ten times the amount you accuse young people of spending on Starbucks on an inferior travel method. A developed country is not where the poor have cars, it’s where the rich use public transit.

      • Like the wind...OP
        -134 months ago

        You would flatten a child to wait in a McDonald’s drive thru a minute earlier but I’m miserable on my scooter and bike okay sure Jan. Imagine riding a bike in a park, that’s so horrible, you should ride a fake bike with a video of a park instead. Those TVs should have fake wind as well. And while you’re at it, project a fake window gif onto your wall. Cars ruin cities.

        • Dude, did you miss a med, or something? There’s unhinged, and then there’s whatever the fuck i just read. A ferret on meth wouldn’t be able to keep up with this line of “reasoning.”

          • Like the wind...OP
            -64 months ago

            No I grew up neglected by family, abused in an institution, and dehumanized by society until I changed my name 3 years ago. I also hate cars.

      74 months ago

      A developed country is not where the poor have cars, it’s where the rich use public transit.

      Tangentially, this cracker of a quote is from the mayor of Bogotá IIRC. It is very accurate and I’ve often used it too.

      44 months ago

      It is absolutely not safe to ride a bike in my city. I live in a third world country and the roads are not lit well, and the busses ride in the bike lanes as if they were not there.

      In fact, the bike lane on the cities main road through the city put the turning lanes in the bike lanes, so good luck not getting hit by a car from behind.

      • Like the wind...OP
        -34 months ago

        Honestly in my area cyclists are hated more than Osama bin Laden so I can sort of relate to it being unsafe. I know being in a car would be way worse for my mental health though. Do what’s safe and easiest, and never forget what car companies stole from you. Cars ruined your city, so big companies can get more money. Big companies selling an inferior travel method. Cars are primitive, reliable eco friendly public transit is the future.

      • Like the wind...OP
        -44 months ago

        Cars are unnecessary money pits that can be replaced.

        When you’re stuck in traffic, think about how that is normalized.