I’m not sure why exactly, but I just struggle to finish basically any game where there is a heavy focus on story.

I seem to get about 90% of the way through them and then just stop playing abruptly. I think sometimes I do that because I just play too much in too short of a time, so I burn myself out on it unintentionally because I’m just enjoying the story so much up to that point. Other times I seem to be able to tell where the story is going and I don’t like it, usually because it’s tragic and I don’t want to experience the tragedy I know is coming; It’s like this sense of dread overcomes me and I struggle to continue. Other times still, I seem to just know the end is coming and I don’t want it to end so I put it off and then forget that I was almost done with it.

Does anyone else do this? I feel bad for having not finished a ton of different games, even the ones I was really enjoying at one time.

    • Veraticus
      62 years ago

      oh yeah 100%. I get super into collecting all the little knick-knacks, realize how boring it is, and give up the whole game. Including Zelda, sorry not sorry

    • @wutamisposedtodo@lemmy.worldOP
      22 years ago

      Yeah same here. I have found myself playing almost entirely sandbox games these last few years. Where there isn’t really and end goal (or at least one I’m not required to complete) and I just get to build something or manage resources, etc.

      • @Epicurus0319@lemmy.world
        2 years ago

        That’s also my case, open-world games that are actually open-world. Mostly Minecraft. And I’ve tried FPS games, they’re too hard for me and I die too much in them. (And in most of them these days the “meta” changes every 3 milliseconds so strategy is impossible)

        That, and online chess, though I have ADHD so I’m restricted to the really long time controls like 15 minutes with 10-second increment and therefore stand no chance against 90% of players I meet IRL and friend on chess.com since nobody wants to play anything longer than blitz these days and they always insist on 3 minutes unless I randomly challenge some complete stranger who often doesn’t even live in my home country. Of the many 3-minute “blitz” games I’ve embarrassed myself in, both online and IRL, only in like 5 did I last more than 15 moves, only in 3 did I not lose on time and and only in one did I actually win.