I’m tired of guessing which country the author is from when they use cup measurement and how densely they put flour in it.

  • @evasive_chimpanzee@lemmy.world
    14 months ago

    If you live in a place that uses cups, the container the food comes in typically has both measurements as part of the nutrition facts on the back label. US nutrition facts are per-serving not per-100g like the EU, so for flour for example, it will have “serving size 1/4 cup (30 g)”. The main exceptions are items meant to be eaten in their entirety like a candy bar or, unfortunately, liquids, which give you milliliters.

    • @Treczoks@lemmy.world
      24 months ago

      Luckily, I live in a metric country, and nobody uses cups for measuring except from my wife who waters the plant with two cups of water.

      The problem always arises when I find an American recipe with such fantastic measurements like “two cups of spinach”. Yes, that is a real one.

      • @evasive_chimpanzee@lemmy.world
        34 months ago

        Volumetric leafy greens are the worst, lol. I guess salad greens don’t matter too much cause it doesn’t really change anything, but something like basil, you probably want relatively accurate. Same thing with shredded cheese, it can be a huge difference to the recipe if you grate the cheese through the large holes on a box grater vs something like a microplane.

        I think, especially in American recipes, cups are basically the missing link between “grandma recipes” and modern “accurate” recipes. Everyone has gotten recipes handed down that call for “some onion” or “1 handful of nuts”. It’s fine for lots of recipes: no one is going to actually measure out 200 grams of onion for a stirfry, they’ll just grab an onion and chop up the whole thing.

        • @Treczoks@lemmy.world
          14 months ago

          I share the idea that this is indeed based on recipes from ancient times, but the rest of the world has moved to the 21st century (actually, we even did this for most part of the 20th century already). I think this is in line with the “we will not use metric” attitude of Americans.

      • @Mouselemming@sh.itjust.works
        24 months ago

        Okay I grew up using cups and find scoopscrapedump more convenient than trying to get the exact amount on a scale, BUT You are so right about 2 cups of spinach! Or really any leafy green, even worse than lumpy nutts or variously sized berries! Considering how much a cup of spinach can vary depending how you pack it, (not to even get into fresh/wilting/deflated/cooked and grown/baby leaves!) I grab 2 handfuls, although your hands may be a different size. Or I use as much spinach as I have, unless I want to save some for whatever reason.

        • @Treczoks@lemmy.world
          14 months ago

          That was the point. The recipe stated exactly that “two cups of spinach” without mentioning the state or kind of it. While it could have benefited greatly by including words like “fresh”, “cooked”, or “blended”, it simply shows that volumetric is not exactly the best measuring method for such things.

          • @Mouselemming@sh.itjust.works
            4 months ago

            While I agree (see previous) I think weight would be similarly unhelpful without specifying the state, since water (or the lack of it when cooked) is so much a part of the mass. If you are going to cook it in a quiche or fritter for instance, you should start by wilting it, or thawing if frozen, and then squeezing as much water out as possible. But in a salad you disturb it as little as possible, to keep the volume and mass, and feel like you’re eating something even though it’s mostly water.

      • Lvxferre [he/him]
        14 months ago

        Brazil got a weird twist on that: metric everywhere, except for most kitchen ingredients. Including stuff like “a can of milk” (milk is not sold in cans here), “a requeijão glass of [ingredient]”, so goes on.

          • Lvxferre [he/him]
            14 months ago

            Yup, it is that messy.

            On a lighter side, although cups/Tbsp/tsp are still in use, they got padronised to 240/15/5ml.

              • Lvxferre [he/him]
                4 months ago

                Yeah, it doesn’t. Specially not for stuff like butter, as it’s really hard to measure a “normal” tablespoon.

                (It could be worse though. My grandma’s measurements were basically “put an amount of [ingredient]”, “aah, you eyeball it”, or “enough to fill that dish”. I guess cup/tbsp/tsp is a progress from that.)