Last night at about 6:15 pm, I noticed this super bright pink line in the sky. It was almost exactly N<->S. I’m in the Space Coast, Florida if that helps. I’ve never seen plane contrails look like this. Weird thing is that it almost looked like if the area in the center of the line was ionized, plasma-like. Unfortunately the camera didn’t pick up how vivid the line was. In another picture it almost seems like the line makes a 90 degree turn due east at the northern tip of it.

I thought maybe a meteor since there was that Taurid shower a few days but I don’t know if meteors fall N to S and if they ionize clouds like that. I don’t know if that actually is even ionization. We also have a lot of aerospace research companies here so who knows if it could be that?

Hoping someone can chime in with what it might be.

    4 months ago

    Definitely a chemtrail, specifically phenolphthalein.

    They were most likely testing the pH effects of their prior chemtrail operation (those fake clouds). The Pink color indicates that the area is basic as opposed to the atmospheres usual acidic state, under acidic conditions it would be colorless.

    Edit: down votes already rolling in from the group of gangstalkers they have on my case smh. I will not be silenced!

