An actual quote I saw today posted on Twitter: “Florida is a conservative Christian state, and they voted against murdering unborn babies. The democratic process is complete. They can leave if they want to do that.” There’s a lot to unpack there. I also got into an argument with the guy who posted it, who claimed somehow that it’s not ok for Federal government to regulate Women, but if states wants to do it then it’s ok, and they should just leave to another state then. like… wow. America is a strange place

    4 months ago

    Climate change is the term that the GOP came up with in focus groups because it was “less scary”.

    Call it what it is. Global warming.

      74 months ago

      I think global warming as a term is not great, because it fails at communicating the end result of the overall average temperature increase, which is more chaotic weather on account of the increased energy present in the system. Sometimes this will mean temporary local reductions in temperature, and sometimes it will mean unusually cold years in places. Don’t give people the option to use ‘bUt iT’s cOlDeR tHiS yEAr sO hOw cAn gLoBaL wArMiNg bE rEaL’ as an easy argument.

      Climate change is the more accurate term, but I do prefer terms that more accurately communicate the severity of the situation, such as the climate crisis, for example.

        24 months ago


        Global warming’ gave us that senator with the snowball

        In an ideal world we wouldn’t have to moderate accurate terms to prevent bad actors making dumb arguments

        But this is clearly not an ideal world