An actual quote I saw today posted on Twitter: “Florida is a conservative Christian state, and they voted against murdering unborn babies. The democratic process is complete. They can leave if they want to do that.” There’s a lot to unpack there. I also got into an argument with the guy who posted it, who claimed somehow that it’s not ok for Federal government to regulate Women, but if states wants to do it then it’s ok, and they should just leave to another state then. like… wow. America is a strange place

    164 months ago

    Abortion protection was proposed as a constitutional amendment because the backwards -ass gerrymandered legislature here is much more conservative than the population. A majority of us voted for freedom of choice even though the amendment on the ballot had bold text added by the governor, including the dubious claim that it would “increase the number of abortions performed in the state”. They only added these annotations to the two amendments DeSantis opposed.

    I was born here, my kids were born here, I am progressive, my kids are progressive, all y’all dehumanizing us, why? We are just people, like you!