In need of a rechargeable battery bank I can keep in my car and use to charge my phone. My car is a little older and has one of those cigarette lighter things. Only problem is it doesn’t charge the phone, it just keeps it from dying, which is inconvenient for my current setup. Looking for good ones for the price, and hopefully ones that won’t explode or anything like that.

edit: It’s complicated to explain but with the position of the only spot I can put my phone holder due to a myriad of issues with my car, the wire would have to go over the steering wheel or over my lap or on the dash and with each one of those options it comes with its own problems that make me uncomfortable. With the way my job is, I need to constantly get back in and out of my car so I’d like if the wire weren’t in the way. I figure if I have a battery bank in the door pocket or something, I can just unplug the wire and stuff it back into the door.

while I appreciate people trying to help, this is also why i dislike asking tech questions on the internet. :/ Only two people actually answered the question

    2 years ago

    I’ve seen people plug heated blankets into those ports. It’s definitely capable of fast charging your phone but I’m guessing the adapter is busted (or just real old). You should be able to pick up a fast charger (20-40w) for $20-30 and not have to worry about charging a battery at home.

    • bermudaOP
      12 years ago

      long story short, with the position of the only spot where I can put my phone holder without it falling off (trust me i’ve tried a dozen other spots), the charger would be either on my lap or over the steering wheel and i’m not super comfortable with that.