Today’s game is Max Payne. I’ve had this for a while and with how much Alan Wake II takes from Max Payne i thought it would be appropriate to at least visit it.

At first i tried playing with controller and struggled, but i found that once i switched to PC it became far more natural. The Bullet Time mechanic is satisfying to use, and the story scratches an itch which only L.A. Noire seemed to hit up until this point in time. On top of that i love the setting. I love big cities and especially during the winter. Not to mention i love the graphics retro graphics of it.

On top of that, I finally got 100% on Alan Wake 1 today! I went through and got all the collectibles and the misc achievements. It took going through almost the entire game again but by basically speedrunning it i did it.

  • MyNameIsAtticusOP
    15 months ago

    After I finish Alan Wake II, I’m considering going to Max Payne 2 (though I have a lot of games I keep piling onto the list of what I want to play. So who knows. The Steam Sale coming up certainly won’t help). If it’s anything like this one I know I’m going to have a good time though. Remedy is masters of their trade it feels like

      5 months ago

      It’s like Max Payne 1, only better in every conceivable way. It’s the perfect sequel.

      Edit: I envy you getting to experience it for the first time!