In his first proper run on tires that were comparable, […] on what was probably his seventh lap of the day, would’ve put him on the front row of the grid.”

    32 years ago

    Totally agree yuki may not be mature enough, but part of why he swears so much, from my understanding, is he learned English at the track, growing up around racers in Europe so tends to swear more then the average English speaker

      22 years ago

      Yea learning English from mechanics is much the same as learning English from sailors, these people typically speak rougher since there is no benefit to being “well spoken” in their line of work

    • Ronno
      12 years ago

      I don’t think that is the reason. All drivers on the grid grew up on the track, most of them together. They all learned to swear from the mechanics. It doesn’t explain why he swears more then the other drivers

        12 years ago

        Some people just use profanity a lot? If I’m not trying every 3rd to 5th word can be some kind of profanity. It’s just how his/my generation speaks.

        This is also something that happens in gaming. Japanese players learn English from gaming communities and it’s very rarely clean or proper. I think it’s more about the culture in Japan and how that translates