The app is Clime Pro on iOS, they lock full access to Hurricane Milton data behind a $10 USD per week paywall.

If you’re in the area impacted by Milton, you can find publicly available resources at the National Hurricane Center’s website: National Hurricane Center

    5 months ago

    Meteorologists do those graphs. What do you expect. Having set through more than one lecture by NOAA person for certification as a weather watch person as a firefighter. They love graphs and photos of clouds. Sooooo many photos of clouds…

    Still, they are easy enough to read once you get used to them.

      25 months ago

      Oh for sure, I get that. But the NWS website is still meant for the public to use, and the old design layout was simpler and faster to read. Some folks might read graphs faster/as fast, but not for many of us. Regardless, another user pointed out you can click on the graph and it converts it all into an easy to read table format. :)