Slowly getting really excited for this. Between the demo and now the scenes showing here, I’m starting to really dig the new visuals, and the voice work in the playable part was fantastic.

More Max! 🏳️‍🌈

  • misery mansion
    46 months ago

    I thought the writing was excellent, especially compared to the first game. It also had a bisexual storyline for what it’s worth but I generally thought it was such a great expansion of all their ideas.

    Also loved the free teaser game captain awesome, and how it crossed over into the main game.

    I feel like they really were stung by the overall reception of it, that we lost the storyline we’d have had if it had gone over well. I thought it was vastly superior personally. That said I’ve enjoyed all the games in the series. Before the storm feels janky at first but does have some decent writing in it also.