My mom is in assisted living and I have a suspicion that the staff, or perhaps a resident, is taking her money. I need something that won’t look out of place and isn’t easily disabled, maybe it plays possum when unplugged but has battery backup. Anyone have any advice?

    46 months ago

    That seems completely reasonable.

    It seems completely unreasonable to me. If a person wants a security camera in their home, they should be allowed to have one.

    Thinking of that room as your staff’s workplace makes me wonder if you’ve forgotten it’s also someone’s home.

      06 months ago

      It is not their home. Period.

      In your home you can also install a cooktop/hot plate, light a candle, paint the walls any colour you like. All of which you are not allowed to do in a nursing home.

      And it is not the patient who wants the camera, it’s a relative. And even in your home a hidden camera that monitors a family members toilet/bathroom would be very much illegal in most jurisdictions,even more so if the family members may be unable to decide on that matter competently.

      Additionally it is a workplace. For professionals. Tbh: In almost all industrial nations it’s far easier to find another client than find another carer. And due to all the causes I already mentioned in this topic almost all carers will be very uncomfortable with this situation - because,well they care about their clients a lot. And that also includes the dignity of their patients.

        16 months ago

        His mom is in assisted living, not a nursing home. My mom is also in assisted living. She’s got a stove in her apartment, she can cook her own meals if she wants to! Until recently, she could drive herself to Walmart if she felt like it. She has decorated her apartment in her own style because–get this–it’s her home!!

        Plus he hasn’t said one thing about pointing a camera at his mother’s bathroom!

        It is her home. How disheartening to see you think it isn’t.

      06 months ago

      Yes, it is someone’s home… and in this specific incidence it is a third party trying to install a camera. There is nothing in the post that says the mother has requested to be filmed in her most intimate setting.