For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired

    7 months ago

    The incels are out in force.

    Ask them if they’re also supportive of White Pride and the KKK. Or if they’d endorse a “White Lives Matter” movement.

    • If they aren’t, then it reveals their cognitive dissonance.
    • If they are, then while they may be consistent, it also reveals they’re bigots and exposes the fallacious thinking.

    Maybe then the cognitive dissonance will be obvious.

            7 months ago

            Universally every aspect from risk of being murdered to rape to domestic abuse to pregnancy/abortion — women face massive fucking challenges disproportionate to men… JUST like minorities face disproportionate challenges to my fellow white males.

            So I’m a bit surprised when I see an argument of, “Your comments here an example of double standard” because I don’t think you’d take too keenly to saying that White Lives Matters is just as worthy of respect and having community here as Black Lives Matter … And if you do, well then I want nothing to do with you.

            The logic underpinning these two subjects is identical. Hence the cognitive dissonance.

            • sunzu2
              -37 months ago

              how do you explain lesbian domestic violence issues?

                07 months ago

                how do you explain black on black violence issues

                What are you driving at here? You think this is some sort of gotcha?

                This redpill incel shit is tiresome and the deflections laughable.

                • sunzu2
                  -37 months ago

                  It is a fact that undermines your thesis presented across this comment section. I am asking how this fact fits in your narrative.

                  “trust me bro my propaganda is good, don’t ask stupid questions, just do what i say! RHEEE”


                  Also, black on black crime is as much of an issue as any other crime lol i am not sure what point you are trying to make with that?

                  You spend entire thread talking about male violence etc on gross raw numbers, but appear to refuse to knowledge the higher rates within lesbian relationships. Or is that data no good?

                    7 months ago

                    I’ve thus far seen ZERO — 0 — Nada — Null — Zilch Facts presented.

                    … Or wait, did it ever dawn on you that that still counts as being a female victim…? Or did it ever dawn on you that data on gay couples is far more sparse than the troves of data on what make up heterosexual relationships?

                    … And are you going to sit there and seriously tell me that you couldn’t grasp the fact that “black on black” violence argument is a trope raised by objective racists to skirt the reality of racial discrimination?

                    It is honestly remarkable that you believe this is some kind of gotcha. Amateur shit, really. Do better.