Feel free to be economic with the truth by using aliases for organizations and products wherever it protects your privacy or your contracts. I’m mainly interested to hear about your unique experience.

Example follow-up questions: What was most rewarding, what was not? What was not a great use of your time but maybe still a learning experience? What were you interested when you were younger (for hobbies or otherwise) that may have helped guide you?

  • @The_v@lemmy.world
    97 months ago

    First job out of college was as a statistician. I couldn’t lie that much.

    Then I worked as a microbiologist. It stunk.

    Then I worked as a plant breeder, it was fun but the pay sucked without a Ph.D.

    Took a job as and international marketing and product manager (paid the same as the PhD). Traveled all over the world. It was brutal but fun. Jetlag and stress started destroy my health.

    Took a job as a consultant to farmers. It wasn’t bad until a new CEO decided to change things and lose a ton of money.

    Currently working for a smaller company that basically doesn’t care what I do as long as it’s profitable. Contracting research, selling seeds & beneficial insects, etc to farmers. Set my own schedule and do my own thing. I let the CEO know what I am up too once a year or so. Spent most of the last month playing PlayStation after doing way too much this spring. Gotta pace myself after all.