As per title. Most computer games these days are made with such unnecessary padding that I want to murder the devs or myself by the end. See, for example, Hyrule Warriors, the 100% 1000 Hour Nightmare, the Review.

The second game I ever 100%ed was Arceus and I still can’t stand the thought of picking it up again, years later. The first game was Horizon Zero Dawn, which is still fun.

      67 months ago

      I didn’t hate Hades, I liked it a lot, but I absolutely would have hated 100%ing that game.

      This is why FSM made YouTube clips of secret endings.

        37 months ago

        For me it came naturally… I tried improving my times and using more pacts… the game is so fun I just kept playing it and competing with my previous times

      37 months ago

      Yeah, one of the only games I’ve 100%ed, the achievements are deliberately set up so that you can get most of them organically by the time you get to the true ending. The rarest achievement on Steam has like a 6% obtainment rate, which is a lot.