I told myself I wasn’t gonna do it anytime soon but I distro hopped from Endeavour OS to Arch with Hyprland in the span of 3 days. Nothing against endeavour. I just tried to customize, broke some stuff and decided to try Hyprland again. I’m quite liking it. It takes awhile to get used to it but it’s fun. I cloned a repo for a customized version of it. I don’t know how long I’ll stick with it but wish me luck!

  • DigesterOP
    32 years ago

    i3 for while but I mainly used xfce. Hyprland overall feels “new”, unlike X11, Wayland just “flows” better in a way. i3 felt more clunky but overall more stable, if that ever makes sense.

    • @mekkagodzilla@lemmy.world
      22 years ago

      if you want i3 but on wayland, you could try sway. It is exactly that, you can even reuse most of your i3 config file.

      • DigesterOP
        02 years ago

        Want your brains blown? Check out ArchCraft. Yes it’s a pay to download thing but they cover everything, i3, Sway, Hyprland, QTile. You name it, they have it (as long as it’s WM). For people like me who don’t have time (nor skill, I’m humble enough to admit it) this is gold. And you can change themes as you like as long as you have basic intermediate skills. As long as you can use a text editor and have some basic arch skills you can customize upon it.

        With that being said, I don’t like pay to download content, reason why I’m on Linux first and foremost. But I gotta give credit where credit is due. ArchCraft is blowing away everything else when it come to pre customized WM experiences. Such an eye candy omg.

    • @rist097@lemmy.world
      22 years ago

      I was using I3 and now sway. But I never felt any real difference in performance. Other than better 4K and multimonitor support, why i switched. I was wondering if Hyprland is just for looks or it brings something important

      • DigesterOP
        32 years ago

        Not much difference between sway and Hyprland