it is regulated by many the same groups who utilize the system, and so it is inherently corrupt.

    135 months ago

    Ypu sre right in that the stock market, especially the US stock market, is a cluster fuck.

    But it’s a cluster fuck that mostly goes up, with solid returns over the last 10-20 years in index funds. I’m not going to cut my nose to spite my face on that, especially when the populous alternatives, like being a landlord, tend to have serious ethical concerns.

    For examples of why the market is fucked, something your argument clearly lacked, the biggest indicator for me is that news of large buys/saells tend to move the market much more than the actual buy/sale.

    (Personal theory, derivatives pretty much control the market, and a buy/sell doesn’t interact with calls/puts typically, but the news of a sale gets people to interact with calls/puts)