It’s in the eye of the beholder, of course. But it would be great to see some solid recommendations.

    29 months ago

    I’m using regular Fedora 40 workstation with Gnome

    If you enable the update testing repo you can just install “stable” hyprland using dnf.

    I’d say the tricky part of config at the start is getting your monitors setup but you can use ‘hyprctl monitors’ to list the monitors and get the ids. The documentation/wiki is really good

    Once you’ve got it installed you can logout of gnome and select hyprland from the cog on the login screen.

    If you want the git release of hyprland you can use this Copr

    Other stuff I use Rofi for launching apps Hyprpaper for wallpapers Waybar-git for the bar Kitty for terminal

    • youmaynotknow
      19 months ago

      Awesome. Fedora is my main driver (when i’m not distrohopping, lol). Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ll be taking it for a spin over the weekend.

        29 months ago

        Nice! have fun.

        I’d definitely avoid downloading other people’s hyprland dot files. Most are over complicated.

        Just keep it simple to fit your needs