This is all I thought about when I read the comment.
This is all I thought about when I read the comment.
Like… how. Or is that part of the joke.
Nice. I have no recollection of seeing this before.
How have I had years of math and not seen this? I mean, it’s not super useful for me, but I would have thought I would have seen something like this in pre calculus at least.
Yeah, my WiFi is called Skynet. My main nas s skynet vault. I have main vm called T800
All of my infrastructure is named after terminator.
Bro, I’ve been using Linux off and on since 2001ish. I used the original releases of fedora, and Ubuntu. Debian has been my longest favorite and it has only gotten better for a happy standard desktop use. I stopped daily driving Linux when I was in college and my engineering programs required me to use windows. But now that gaming is much more painless on Linux and I’ve built a solid system, 2025, might be the year of Linux for me.
I am was going through the install last night, failed somewhere when trying to install GRUB. The install manual is way more convoluted than arch. Plus arch gives you that nice install script. I’m going to figure out gentoo at some point, but it really seems more like a challenge than something useful.
At some point I just need to jump off the ship and live full time Linux. I remember my Linux friend from high school telling me how cool gentoo was back in 2k3, and I got a disk and was like wtf… what do I do??? I need to try it again.
Like, IRC exists and it just as useful to me as discord. Set up a wiki for FAQ’s and documentation.
Yeah, I bring this up because I’ve been playing around with a similar idea of a simple html website for documenting personal projects. My site still isn’t really live, but I have it running on a vm through a cloud flare tunnel, similar to you.
How do you protect your home network?
If it’s going to be a name from a made up language, it should be in Klingon.
Been using Linux off and on since 2003-ish. I remember the days of having to compile applications and having to download various dependencies. Linux now is so streamlined and easy. Minus gentoo.
Wait, did you write an actual function for that graph?
Oh… yeah I see the issue.
What is so hated about snaps? I’ll admit I haven’t used Ubuntu since they started using snaps, but I don’t understand the hate about them in the Linux community.
Man, I had a vtech “computer” as a kid in the later 90’s. I don’t remember what happened to it or what it was even actually good for.
Pretty sure this is what I had.
There are a few communities on Reddit that aren’t represented on here. So I still go to Reddit some.