What’s your mom’s blood type, your older siblings’ blood types, and what’s your blood type?
What’s your mom’s blood type, your older siblings’ blood types, and what’s your blood type?
Yes, that’s why we have conscription. So in the event of an invasion we can compel citizens to serve 2-3 years of military service.
We could also do it the American way and make sure half the population is poor and that you need money for healthcare and university education. It’s a bit like how you could get Roman citizenship if you served. I like conscription better.
I think you should be able to do a USB drive boot of the distro you are interested in and check whether you can get all these things working? It’ll run slow though so don’t be scared of performance is less than you were hoping for. It’ll be much better in the install.
More verbose happens to every translation. Because the original text could choose to communicate things in a way that works with that language but every translation has to include all the information in the original version.
Both are full so it reduces the amount of cold air that can escape when you open them.
He could be arguing that US needs to take away the right to vote from men. So sexist, but misandrist instead of misogynist. He’s not, obviously, but in theory he could be. I see an argument in favour from where I’m sitting.
Otters, wolverines, and badgers are mustelids but not in the greater weasel family.
I’ve seen weasels in the wild. They are tiny.
Brb getting killed by a weasel
This is much better than a man page. Like, have you seen those things?
Medical goods is around ~12% of healthcare expenditures. Even if US (richest country in the world) pays more they would have to pay insanely much more to subsidize single payer healthcare in the rest of the world.
And why would pharma reduce prices in other parts of the world just because Americans pay more? It’s not a charity. They charge what the market will bear. Hepatitis C drugs were incredibly expensive because they prevented much more expensive liver transplants down the road. The market would bear a high price then.
Prefer baratty
Edit: baratty -> bara tiddy
This is a very good joke
Instead just buy something he wants to play so you can play it together. Or at least talk about it.
I went home for Christmas and saw dog shit on both the pavement outside my parents’ house and my brother’s house. Dog owners suck.
The landing page for Google looks fine and clean and everything but look at the source and you see an absolute nightmare
Not in the kitchen but I have a (very large) one for electronics and batteries and it’s the worst. Tools and screws. Office supplies.
This kitchen one you could neat up a bit if it really annoys you. Put the scales in a cupboard upright against the side. Maybe get a nicer scale, that one looks naff. Trash the salad shears. What a terrible idea. Put the pizza / dough metal thingie on a wall mounted magnet for knives and stuff. Maybe put some of the other metal stuff there idk. Everything else is pretty small so you can put in dividers for that. The grater and ladle go in the same compartment.
Unless of course you think your wife should tidy up this drawer in which case you can just absolutely fuck off. Into the ocean. Die and get eaten by scavengers.
Edit: oh, that’s a meat tenderiser, not a ladle. Everything else stands.
Is this a screenshot of the camera app?
The Last of Us is still selling.
Oh, I wondered about why there weren’t more characters in the ASCII code set.
This sounds like trying to do stuff in Excel? The computer isn’t overheating but the amount of memory needed is very high which would make it run poorly. They might interpret that as overheating?