I just purchased it for my Mac yesterday. Hopefully I will get some time to play it tomorrow.
I just purchased it for my Mac yesterday. Hopefully I will get some time to play it tomorrow.
My old boss would type google.com into the chrome search box (not the address bar) then click the link for Google, and search for Gmail.com.
My wife works full time remote and had to have IT take over her computer and she watched him type google into the search bar.
If you know how to use it. If you do not know got to use it a kit that you just stick in the knife is going to be way better.
Possible! I have also used it when I disabled my network and it was quicker to run the repair tool than it was too try and remember what exactly i had done to disable it.
This was nearly 20 years ago, i really do not recall what the issue was, order of if I ever fixed it. I may have replaced the card or something.
Yes it has.
I used to have a sound issue and the repair wizard would always fix it. It would happen again, I think after the next reboot.
We have always celebrated the winter solstice and Santa Claus with our kids and skipped the lie of Christmas all together.
For someone who has never used Linux it can be very daunting, especially if they have never installed an os.
I think Vince was rather surprised he did not have to do time also.
Vince Neil killing Razzle. Then the band casually acting like Mick never existed.
I started with reading books on Norse mythology, then realized the gods in it were no more or less valid than any other god. There is a Norse paganism community on lemmy (I still have not yet figured out how to link communities)
My initials? No, sorry.
I am a non-theist Norse pagan and have been a Norse pagan since I was single digits in age. I was raised by a Catholic mother (her mother was Irish Catholic and her father was Roman Catholic), my father’s mother was a Mennonite. I was not raised religiously, but i still have Catholic guilt, and use religious curses.
I do not recall, i have not used it much since i got my college textbooks in 08.
After I tried to set up her new home internet and she had a melt down because I asked her if she had done any of the items I asked her to do (try connecting her smart tv to the network using the information I gave her) I no longer offer tech support to her, in fact we have barely spoken since then. It has been wonderful.
I tried to install Linux on my mom’s laptop for her, it was too scary. So she is still using windows 7 and probably getting scammed left and right.
My best friend lost his battle with depression last year. I check his PlayStation profile too often.