“It’s a magic square. Magic! How could it ever go wrong!”
“It’s a magic square. Magic! How could it ever go wrong!”
Calling anybody a pleb means everything you say is discounted. You have an arrogance that’s wildly unhinged.
I wish you luck, o wise patrician. May the glory of Rome shine forever upon you.
It goes both ways, that’s what Windows plebs don’t understand. All the issues Windows plebs …
Does it make you a patrician to use Linux? Are you a father figure now to society?
We plebeians are just waiting on your glory to shine upon us, o high one.
You should think that to yourself next time you ask for support or help with anything. Fix it yourself - it’s called learning. Try it sometime.
Good news! There is a Jellyfin Tizen build available and it works great. Check it out.
There is a relatively high barrier for this as you do need to build, sign, and push it to your TV.
Retaliation for filing a claim of sexual harassment or inappropriate workplace behavior is not looked upon kindly by courts or arbitrators.
Red Bull just stepped in a pile of shit, the easier option is to just settle, cut a check, and move her to a new department. Give Horner some HR training and issue a statement saying the internal matter has been settled to all parties satisfaction, blah blah blah, and no real story in the media.
Strange decision from a PR management perspective.