Possums eat ticks. It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make, ticks are awful.
I have one and it’s a little easier to prepare, keep warm, and clean. If you eat a lot of rice, it’s worth it.
GAS, game acquisition syndrome. I have it bad.
I don’t see any remorse in those fetal alcohol syndrome eyes.
You’re in for quite a ride.
I have not. I’ve only just started exploring self hosting and am quite a novice. Thanks for the lead!
My isp doesn’t allow self hosting (available to WAN). Isn’t that a pretty common condition in ToS for most ISPs?
What game?
Agriculture and penicillin are largely responsible for the population boom.
When they pulled out the camera I asked “Oh, does the camera come out of that big housing?”. “No, that is the camera.” 😮
Same but I’m on Pixel 7.
Same for my Pixel.